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Discussion>MM Cob
WaRevo 12:11 AM 09-09-2014
Hello all, I am only looking for some information on what you do? So the other day I went out and got a new MM Cob from Rite Aid. I have a few already and just wanted to see what is up with some people so hooked on the MM COBs. Everyone that smokes them seems to love them!?

So I took it out of the package, Smoked some tobacco. New Brand. Smoked smooth but to me was little weak on flavor. So I thought it was just the Tobacco. Smoked a few other tobaccos that I smoke all the time in my Meers and Briars. After I smoked 4 other tobaccos that I smoke and like the flavors from my other pipes, I didn't get the same effect from the COB! Like today I smoked the Mac Baren Cube Silver and I was like OMG REALLY. The taste that I have come to like in my other pipes just wasn't there. Infact there was only a smooth light flavor. Even the Retro didn't give anything extra :-) I then pulled out my old BENT COB packed it smoked it and the extra was there! I don't understand why the old cob would smoke so much different then the new one. Right now I am smoking a Vintage Dr. Grabow 1/2 bent Bulldog with some Orlik Golden Sliced and night and day difference to smoking it in the COB. in the Cob it was just single flavor even on Retro?

What do you get from your COB? I could taste tobacco but not much in flavors.

Also to make it clear, Smoking the Dr. Grabow tonight has been cleaned and reamed and salt treated.. So smoke is like smoking this pipe as new. Most of my pipe smoking is from clean pipes that are not sour.

OnePyroTec 01:40 PM 09-09-2014
I have never had an issue of not having tobacco flavors in new cobs vs an old cob or other pipe. I'll be following this topic to see if other have had the problem you describe.
ApexAZ 01:58 PM 09-09-2014
I can't help but think maybe your existing pipes have built up a cake that impart flavor to the smoke, whereas the MM is brand new and hasn't had time to develop this.

Edit: Also, I bought custom "forever" stems for mine. They help control the flow better. Maybe you're getting too much air or something. Look at walker briar works for custom stems. Lastly, some of them come with filters. Did yours? This would certainly reduce the flavor.
OnePyroTec 02:10 PM 09-09-2014
That is a good point about the filter! I forgot about those because I remove all stems in place of acrylic stems that I rework the airway my way. (much more economical for cheap cobs)
WaRevo 02:52 PM 09-09-2014
Yes it did come with a filter but first thing I do is remove the filter and use the stem alone. At times I will use if I feel it is needed a Savi Balsa wood filter in my other pipes. About my other pipes having cake and most likely Ghost of another along with it. I am a very poor Pipe smoker, Meaning I keep my pipes little to clean. I don't have any pipe with a cake in it to speak of. I clean my pipes to often and even the Stem and shanks don't have a build up. This is one flaw I have with smoking my Pipes. I like them Clean.

Today I have 5 pipes loaded and my Tobacco in the bowls to dry. When I am done smoking a pipe I will clean it, let it sit for an hour or 2 and reload it for another smoke later in the day. If I am in the mood for a type of tobacco today and have stock I will smoke only 2 pipes or 3 but use one for the day for smoking the tobacco. Say 10 bowls is my normal daily intake. Out of the 10 only 3 different pipes if I am going to smoke different tobaccos in the day. Some days 1 pipe 10 bowls. I did smoke 5 back to back bowls in the Cob. Only one bowl must have been packed to tightly because it did get hot. I try and keep the pack so it don't get to hot but only human so not perfect always lol.

ApexAZ 08:01 PM 09-09-2014
I'm far from an expert, but i do feel the stems need to be replaced to tighten the draw. Is it possible to much air can dilute the smoke? Akin to having a crack or hole in a cigar.
WaRevo 11:38 PM 09-09-2014
Originally Posted by ApexAZ:
I'm far from an expert, but i do feel the stems need to be replaced to tighten the draw. Is it possible to much air can dilute the smoke? Akin to having a crack or hole in a cigar.
Thank you for the info, I will have to look into getting a new stem for it. I will say one thing for sure. it is a forgiving pipe. Today I have smoked 3 different tobaccos in the pipe and a few times was even one right after the other. The Pipe was dry very fast. I can taste the tobacco as being different then the other but not much in a multi profile. Even after drying some Cube Silver for 6 hours today and smoked in the cob tasted so single in profile. Smoked it again in the Dr. Grabow that was cleaned and only smoked 2 bowls of the cube tasted so much better and multi flavored.. Thanks for the Stem Tip

ApexAZ 12:59 PM 09-30-2014
I filled the bottom of one of my country gentleman and great dane egg's with some pipe mud and they seem to smoke even better. All the space around the bottom of the bowl where the shank goes in is filled in and the draft hole is level with the bottom. It also seemed to narrow the hole down to the diameter of a pipe cleaner. I used ash from my smoker after reading about wood ash being better than cigar ash.

I have several others I want to do this with, but trying to burn off some of the wooden shank.

Someone said a while back that it takes about 6 bowls to burn that out, but I'm finding it takes much much more than that. I think if I can just get a good char I should be able to just mud over it.
OnePyroTec 02:12 PM 09-30-2014
Good place to get "fancy" stems for your cobs and they are half the price of the foreverstems with the little inlaid dot.