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Discussion>Giving it a try again
Flynnster 12:08 PM 09-11-2013
Well I gave a pipe a try about a year ago, decided it wasn't for me after only trying a few bowls and one type of tobacco. I've decided to give it another try, much easier to finish a pipe on a dog walk then a whole cigar.

I'll be getting a MM cob and probably an assortment of tobaccos from Iwan Reis (Local and literally my favorite B&M ever) they are super helpful and treat me great even though I know next to nothing about pipes.

One thing that worries me is aromatics, are they like smoking a swisher type cigar? Or is the flavor more muted and natural tasting?
363 12:48 PM 09-11-2013
On the several aromatics I have had they has been a very muted tasting. It could be due to me still being novice and not great at smoking a pipe yet thou :-)
hazydat620 02:10 PM 09-11-2013
Originally Posted by 363:
On the several aromatics I have had they has been a very muted tasting. It could be due to me still being novice and not great at smoking a pipe yet thou :-)
No, your right, they usually smell better than they taste. My suggestion would be to grab a pouch of Carter Hall along with that Cob and Practice. Be careful walking a dog while smoking, especially in a cob on a windy day, you can get a burnout real quick. Happy smoking
Commander Quan 02:30 PM 09-11-2013
There are plenty of fine blends that do not have over the top casing if that's what you're worried about. When you go ask to see some English blends, these are blends that have a condiment tobacco called latakia, which has a smokey BBQ flavor, and are easy to get a flavorful smoke from without over puffing. McClelland's Frog Morton is a popular one.

If you smoke cigars often it will probably take a short while for you're palate to adjust to the softer flavors. Cigars, even mild ones are very aggressive flavor wise compared to a pipe because the quality of smoke a fraction of what you are used to.
Flynnster 02:30 PM 09-11-2013
Thanks guys, I'll keep the wind in mind. Lately it has been blazing hot with zero wind, miserable in other words.
big_jaygee 03:01 PM 09-11-2013
the aromatics smell way better then they taste...they do not taste bad, its just the smell hype's you up for some fruity "mango/peach" but that's not what comes out of the pipe. as a novice pipe smoker myself, i have found out that smoking a pipe requires practice and patience. i am using a MM cob pipe myself and try to get a bowl in every couple of days.

enjoy those walks :-)
hazydat620 05:41 PM 09-11-2013
I forget where I read it, either here or PSF, but someone put it like dancing, you don't get good unless you practice.
Flynnster 08:17 AM 09-12-2013
Alright everyone, heading out today, here's my list. What do yall think?

MM Corncob
Czech Tool
Rubber Stem Bite (remember last time wishing I had one)
Pipe Cleaners
Dunhill 965
Some sort of vanilla aromatic

I was going to get some Carter Hall, but they only carry it in the large can, and from what I have seen, none of the local drug stores carry the pouches.
BamBam 05:55 PM 11-03-2013
I had a similar journey to yours. I picked up pipe smoking after a couple years into cigars. The first pipe attempt didn't take and I sold most of my stuff. A few years later, here I am, smoking pipes 90% of the time.

I have found a real passion in pipes, even making my own now. I truly enjoy the pipe side of the slope, and love to refurbish old briar.

As far as tobaccos, I started in aros, went to the non aros, and now am back to aros because for me they are easier to smoke and nice and mild. I still have non-aros, and even a cellar with some aged baccys, but have found some real enjoyment in my aros. I would push you towards Boswell's blends, as I really enjoy them. My favorite is Boswell's Best.

So give pipes a shot and I think you will really enjoy it. Shoot me a PM if you ever have questions. I learned almost everything from forums like this one and the more experienced members.
Flynnster 10:03 PM 11-03-2013
Bam Bam, I'm finding myself enjoying the pipe a ton this time round, got a few blends to work through, and I don't have to set an hour aside to enjoy it. This is particularly nice in the middle of winter here in Chicago.
BamBam 04:49 PM 11-15-2013
I can understand the cold winters Flynnster. However here in Central Ohio we don't have to contend with that lake effect snow.

Nothing better than a pipe on a cold winter's night....might have to light one up right now :-)