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jerseystepup 06:34 PM 05-02-2020
Muwat +11 or Inferno flashpoint? I’ve found a few decent prices out there and I’m going to pull the trigger tonight. Or any other suggestions of a 10 pack in the $40 range?
Weelok 06:54 PM 05-02-2020
I see Atlantic Cigars has a Citicard brand sampler 10 count for $45.96 at my price. May be higher for you, not sure.
Wharf Rat 07:28 PM 05-02-2020
Can't say I think much of the Infernos. There are lots of Oliva 5 packs in your price range on Cigarauctioneer with no bids on them.

Weelok's suggestion is also excellent!
jerseystepup 07:37 PM 05-02-2020
Thanks for the suggestions guys! That sampler comes out to close to $60 with shipping. Those Muwat’s are in CM for $40 with free shipping. They also have oliva series g tubo’s for $44 for a 10 pack. Hmmmm
gomeitsmybday 08:01 PM 05-02-2020
Honestly, I can't say that I necessarily dislike the Inferno Flashpoints...especially if they are found on sale or on a bidding site. Can't speak to the Muwats, never had one.

I once read somewhere someone claimed that the Flashpoint was basically a more affordable Melanio but I'm not sure that's a fair comparison. Both are nice cigars but different. Flash points are sometimes a little loosely/sloppily rolled imo, but still tasty!

Randy if you want my opinion if I was in your shoes? I'd pony up just a little more and grab a 5er of Guardian if the farm for $21 on cigar auctioneer and then pick out some other 5er that sits at $20 or less and bite the shipping charge. Maybe a 5er by DPG (Black, Jamie Garcia or Flor de Antilles) or some other company that you know you like. Here's the Guardian link:

But that's just my opinion...I have a soft spot for one hell of a delicious blend that pays homage to mans best friend. :-)
Weelok 08:17 PM 05-02-2020
Second everything gomeitsmybday said. If the Flashpoint is anything like a Melanio, no need to look further. And I just got 3 five packs of the Guardians at $22 on CBID so if you can get them for $21, wow, done. Those are great cigars.

Olivia O’s are nice as well. The G’s I don’t care for but that’s just my palate. The G’s are likely more suited for most people.

Originally Posted by gomeitsmybday:
Honestly, I can't say that I necessarily dislike the Inferno Flashpoints...especially if they are found on sale or on a bidding site. Can't speak to the Muwats, never had one.

I once read somewhere someone claimed that the Flashpoint was basically a more affordable Melanio but I'm not sure that's a fair comparison. Both are nice cigars but different. Flash points are sometimes a little loosely/sloppily rolled imo, but still tasty!

Randy if you want my opinion if I was in your shoes? I'd pony up just a little more and grab a 5er of Guardian if the farm for $21 on cigar auctioneer and then pick out some other 5er that sits at $20 or less and bite the shipping charge. Maybe a 5er by DPG (Black, Jamie Garcia or Flor de Antilles) or some other company that you know you like. Here's the Guardian link:

But that's just my opinion...I have a soft spot for one hell of a delicious blend that pays homage to mans best friend. :-)

jerseystepup 08:42 PM 05-03-2020
Sooo was just playing around on a bidding site, and hopefully I’m happy with my decision! Just picked up a five pack of tatuaje tattoo caballero’s and a fiver of man o war Armada war horse. $35 out the door. Still watching one more!
gomeitsmybday 09:57 AM 05-04-2020
Originally Posted by jerseystepup:
Sooo was just playing around on a bidding site, and hopefully I’m happy with my decision! Just picked up a five pack of tatuaje tattoo caballero’s and a fiver of man o war Armada war horse. $35 out the door. Still watching one more!
Nice! Enjoy the smokes!
jerseystepup 11:49 AM 05-04-2020
Thanks Michael! I just don’t understand how on CI the Armadas are $99 a 5 pack and I got them for $16. Doesn’t seem right
gomeitsmybday 08:17 PM 05-04-2020
Originally Posted by jerseystepup:
Thanks Michael! I just don’t understand how on CI the Armadas are $99 a 5 pack and I got them for $16. Doesn’t seem right
Sure thing, and yeah I'd recommend sticking to the bidding sites if you are looking to save money, less smoke and mirrors imo.

Matter of fact - check the following site out, it lets you search the various bidding sites all at once for the best prices.

Just don't go outbidding me on anything! :-)
Weelok 12:25 AM 05-05-2020
Originally Posted by jerseystepup:
Thanks Michael! I just don’t understand how on CI the Armadas are $99 a 5 pack and I got them for $16. Doesn’t seem right
Those Armadas are some seriously good cigars!!! And the Tatoos as well. You will be super happy.