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Jokes>This is a PSA
shark 07:23 AM 03-02-2011
This is your brain:


This is your brain on drugs:


Any questions?:-)

BloodSpite 07:44 AM 03-02-2011
Flippin hysterical, almost spewed my coffee:-)
Brutus2600 09:50 AM 03-02-2011
Rofl, awesome
shilala 09:53 AM 03-02-2011
I watched a couple Charlie videos yesterday. He was bagging on AA's 5% success rate at sobering people up. He's the posterboy for the success rate. How the hell do you fix that? lol
kelmac07 10:26 AM 03-02-2011
He's a MORON!!
HollywoodQue 10:51 AM 03-02-2011
guitar4001 04:02 PM 03-02-2011
he was good in young guns...when he died
JaKaacH 06:24 PM 03-02-2011
I've heard if you can't be good be good at it...:-)