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All Cigar Discussion>Cigar tar in clipped area.
dccraft 05:30 AM 02-05-2009
Had this happen a couple of times this winter on two different brands. Everything is going along nicely when suddenly the taste in my mouth turns rancid. I check my smoke and notice some little bubbles of a tar-like substance at the clipped end. First time I took my cutter and clipped a little more of the cap off and it seemed to save the smoke. The second time I couldn't save it. Is this just an over-oily leaf or some other reason?

I've never had this happen before. How 'bout you?
MarkinAZ 06:09 AM 02-05-2009
Hello Doug, I believe those little bubbles are "nicotine", and have gotten onto my lips and fingers probably like everyone else from time to time. Some folks say its because of not taking enough time in between puffs (or excessive puffing?), possibly a draw with a smidge of resistance, or as you've mentioned, just a darn right leaf with excessive nutrients. Its occurred to me with a draw that has a smidge of resistance...there may be others with better answers though:-)

ucla695 06:54 AM 02-05-2009
I've experienced this a couple of times and have some great cigars go south in a hurry. I attributed it to not clipping enough off and smoking a little too quickly. That said, I've had limited success by cutting off a little more from the cap. I'm looking forward to what others have to say, cuz I definitely don't want to experience it again.
elderboy02 07:01 AM 02-05-2009
Originally Posted by ucla695:
I'm looking forward to what others have to say, cuz I definitely don't want to experience it again.
Starscream 07:13 AM 02-05-2009
I've had a flavored cigar do this to me. Liquid almost poured out of it onto my lips. It was a Drew Estate Java Latte. But that wasn't nicotine in my case. I believe it was the flavored "syrup".
Hardcz 08:25 AM 02-05-2009
I only get this when there is too much moisture going into the cigar...usually when I have it in my mouth too much..... so stop chewing and licking that thing.....

Clipping 1/8 of an inch usually takes care of it though.
hotreds 08:37 AM 02-05-2009
Has happened to me on quite a few occasions- usually with "stronger" cigars. I've found that putting a Kleenex to the bubble helps- kinda dry out that area a bit. But, it sure does spoil an otherwise good smoke. I've tried recutting with limited success. Perhaps it is smoking too fast- I know I'm often guilty of that.
Beer Doctor 10:23 AM 02-05-2009
Had that happen on an 08 power ranger. I figured the problem arose because of three things happening at once. 1.) It was a belicoso and I didn't cut that much off the head. 2) the draw was kinda tight. 3) It is a strong cigar.

I just cut a little more off the head and kept smoking. Didn't notice a change in flavor. I didn't have the tar touch my tongue though, just my lips.
karmaz00 02:15 PM 02-05-2009
happen to me like a couple of time, i would clip the end again, or slow down smkoing...if i slow down and dont rush great
ChicagoWhiteSox 02:25 PM 02-05-2009
had this happen with me. i was smoking a fuente opus x i think it was the xxx size. The tar was kinda ouzing out of it. i wasnt smoking to hard or fast so clipped a little more of the head. seemed to help.:-)
Chompers 03:43 PM 02-05-2009
I've never had it happen to me, but it's good to know what to do now!
dccraft 06:33 PM 02-05-2009
Both of these happened while smoking too fast in sub-zero temp I'm afraid :-)

Can't wait for warmer weather so I can slow down:-)

Thanks for the input guys!!
totallytentative 08:50 PM 02-08-2009
Like someone alluded to already, I think it's not really "tar", but condensation from the smoke. Burning stuff produces water as a combustion by-product.

I don't know how/why this occurs sometimes, but I had this happen to me once and that black/brown liquid was THE most rancid, bitter foulness I had ever tasted. Ever since I've kept a piece of tissue paper on hand to dab the end of the cigar if I see it happening, and I try not to lick the end of the cigar or even wet it with my lips. I seem to recall getting a similar flavour just from the wet tobacco, but maybe I was actually licking some of this stuff off and not knowing it.
houdini 08:58 PM 02-08-2009
its happened on a few opus x's and a single boli gold medal for me. coincedently, theyre 2 of my favs as well!