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Discussion>Need Some Help...
joshpip 08:18 PM 01-04-2010
I have some good cigars that are too damaged to smoke and I don't want to pitch them. I would like to try smoking them with a pipe. My Dad is sending me a few old pipes he used back in the day. My question is how should I break-up the cigars to smoke in a pipe?

Thanks for your help guys!

RevSmoke 09:01 PM 01-04-2010
Good question. I have used cigars in homegrown, doctored up blends.

Take a good two bladed cutter, one that doesn't lock after every cut is the best, and starting at one end of the cigar, cut disks of the cigar off. Each one should be about 1/8 - 1/16 of an inch thick. These disk can be rubbed out and used to fill a bowl. You can even mix it with other pipe tobacco.
Slow Triathlete 06:15 AM 01-05-2010
I agree with Rev or you could just take the wrapper part off of the cigar and go to town with a large kitchen knife. Cut the cigar fillings up small enough to fit in the bowl. Also, if the cigars have been kept around 70% humidity then you are going to have to let them dry out a bit before you smoke them. Cut the cigar up and then let the fillings sit out for a bit. Then put them all in a ziploc or cigar bag.
joshpip 07:44 AM 01-05-2010
Thanks gents! This info helps a lot. I've never smoked a pipe before and have no clue. I've read some great threads about caring for the pipe but none (so far) about packing the bowl. What type of lighter or match should be used? I keep my cigars between 62% and 64%.

I am pretty excited to get the pipes from my old man, clean them up and put fire to one.
RevSmoke 07:56 AM 01-05-2010
Do not use a torch lighter, use a soft flame (burns yellow, not blue0. I'd stay away from lighters that use a naphtha type fuel too, as it does impart a taste to the tobacco that takes a bit of puffing to get out - some people however don't notice the taste.

Plenty of pipe style lighters available too, they have a flame that is angled downward.

Hope this all helps.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Zanaspus 09:45 AM 01-05-2010
I've also found the cigar cutter invaluable should you get into rope tobaccos. :-)
TheBeard 10:42 AM 01-05-2010
I agree with the Rev: A nice guillotine cutter (single- or double-bladed) will help you shred those cigars quite easily. If you want to just blast a bunch all at once and store the new pipe tobacco that way, go with a food processor; I cannot recommend this method personally, but Tanith keeps mentioning it. Tearing the cigar apart and then ripping the leaves into shreds is just a bit monotonous for me.

As far as packing the bowl goes, you can nearly get a different answer from every person you ask. When I first started getting into pipes, I looked around on the internets for tips. The method I ended up liking the best was this one:

1) Gently (without packing) load the empty bowl full of tobacco. Tamp this tobacco down to about half the bowl's height.
2) Gently add on top of the packed tobacco until the bowl is full again. Tamp this tobacco down to about 3/4 the bowl's height.
3) Gently fill the bowl again. Tamp this down lightly so that all of your tobacco is secure in the bowl. The top should be slightly springy.
4) Light and enjoy :-)

I don't use these guidelines very strictly any more. Smoke a couple bowls, try a couple things, and see what you like :-)

I can't say I agree with the Rev about not using a torch lighter. I don't prefer using a torch lighter, but in a pinch a torch lighter works just fine for me.