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Good Eats>Is lunch important for students?
edmondlundquist 05:44 AM 04-23-2020
preparing lunch for school and college always takes a lot of time. But it is very important to have a healthy diet and not have digestive problems. If parents care about lunch at school, then students must prepare lunch on their own at college. Often, students do not have time to cook and they have digestive problems. To have more time for themselves, students often order work on it gives them time for the sentence of eating for lunch and their hobby
The Poet 06:21 AM 04-23-2020
Tough luck. This is the Asylum, so by definition most of us are out to lunch. And we don't eat Spam.
icehog3 10:00 AM 04-23-2020
Buh bye.
markem 10:40 AM 04-23-2020
I was going to make espresso!
icehog3 01:58 PM 04-23-2020
Originally Posted by markem:
I was going to make espresso!
I KNEW you were Gene Hackman in real life! :-)