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General Discussion>Help talk me out of this...
coastietech 05:27 PM 09-26-2009
I'm thinking about going back to college to get a degree... I am currently an electronics tech with a little over 5 years of RF background, working as an avionics tech.

I hate being a bench tech, it's not something I like to do and I dread going to work every morning. I liked being a field tech but here in FL there is such a saturation of techs that we don't get paid what we could elsewhere in the country. Moving is not an option at this time.

So I was thinking about using my GI Bill to go back to school full time. I went to a local community college to look at the degree offerings and nothing really struck my interest. I don't really know if I want to pursue a degree in electronics. I have always had an interest in criminology, laws and politics so I have been giving some serious thought to going and getting either a criminal justice or a pre-law degree and maybe pursuing a law degree...

So how crazy is this idea, considering I am 26 and have three kids between the ages of 2-4? I would love to hear from people who are currently doing it. How do you balance everything?
pgagnon 05:30 PM 09-26-2009
well ill get to 30 next month and just got back on the school bench in Thanatology so i guess you can do it too. As for the kid i cant say since i dont have one but i think we have one on the way

with all that being said i tell you GO for it!!
14holestogie 05:41 PM 09-26-2009
Continuing education is never a bad idea. I went back at age 45 (accelerated night course). You think it's hard to go back after 27 years? You bet. Make no mistake, you do sacrifice some of your free time. You curse that fact at times while going to school, but once you get through it, you'll find it was all worth it. As far as finding the time needed for the schoolwork, you just do, somehow.

So, if you're not happy in your present position and education can get you a job you can love, go for it. At your age, you have many more years to reap the benefits.
RHNewfie 05:56 PM 09-26-2009
Am back now at 34... Its never too late!
kelmac07 06:07 PM 09-26-2009
Never to late to continue your education Joe!!! Just gets harder as you get older (more responsibilities than your average 18-23 year old), mortgage, etc.. Best of luck to you brother!!
CasaDooley 06:47 PM 09-26-2009
Do it! I just signed up to start the winter quarter @ my local community college and I'm 51.:-)
alley00p 09:23 PM 09-26-2009
Joe, I'm on the sunny side of 50 years old. 5 years ago, I went back to school to get a new Associates degree in Media & Communication Arts. I wanted to update my original AAS in Graphic Arts, that I had received back in the early 80's. I had some health problems that required me to drop out of the program with about 4 semesters left.

But, I can tell you that going back to school is never a bad idea! I still plan on finishing when I can get some money for tuition. :-)

McSmokey 09:27 PM 09-26-2009
never too late to go back Joe
Darrell 09:29 PM 09-26-2009
Why would we try to talk you out of education?

sikk50 10:29 PM 09-26-2009
Talk you out of it???!!!


In this economy the best thing you could do is go back to school in my opinion, thats what I did. Hardly any law enforcement agancies are hiring and I can get an extra 3k a year for having a BA on top of my AS. So I figured screw it. I highly recomend it to you
cbsmokin 08:56 AM 09-27-2009
Go to school. Why not give yourself every possible advantage? If you don't do it you will wish you had later in life.
ChicagoWhiteSox 08:58 AM 09-27-2009
If you have the chance to go back to school, DO IT!!:-) With regards to your criminal/law degree interest, there are a few options you could do. You could get your degree in criminal justice and become a LEO. Or you could then go on to law school. I would stay away from the pre-law program though. You may find later down the road that law is just not your thing, and then your stuck with limited options with your pre-law. You should get your degree in something that has many options for jobs. For example, get your degree in accounting. This field has MANY options out there. With that degree, you can still get a job as a LEO. In fact, I have a friend from college that did just that. You can still go to law school and specialize in fraud accounting/white collar crime/business litigation/tax attoney/divorce attoney/ect.ect.... There are TONS of options in law that an accounting degree would be great for. If you then decide that law is not your thing, then you still have many doors left unopened with an accounting degree. You could work in public accounting,PWC, Deloitte, KPMG, BDO, ect..... Or the private sector has millions of options for jobs. Better yet, open your own cigar shop with your acc. degree. Obviously accounting may not be your thing, but still pick something that you can have options with and that you can still become a LEO with or move onto law school with. Just my 2 cents, but I hope this helps a little bit.
Starscream 09:09 AM 09-27-2009
I just finished doing this. I graduated in 06 (took me a long time to do it this way), with three kids, a wife, and a full-time job. Wasn't fun, but it's not hard once you get a routine down. You will be rewarded greatly for going back. Just remember that it's not easy until you get the routine down.
dogface_313 09:14 AM 09-27-2009
I refuse to talk you out of a great idea. Go back Joe
coastietech 09:23 AM 09-27-2009
Thank you all for the advice...

I did the math and if we cut back on a few things I can quit my job and go to school full time. Between the BAH I will get from the GI Bill and my girlfriends job we should be able to get by. That will make balancing everything easier. And I will actually have more time to spend with the kids because I can pull them out of daycare when I'm not in class during the week.

The more and more I think about this the more I can't find a reason not to go. I'm gonna go set with a counselor at the school next week and see if I can't get everything in order... :-)
captain53 09:24 AM 09-27-2009
I can post with experience on this topic, I graduated with a B.S. in Economics and Finance in 1975 (yep I am on the far side of 50 and near side of 60) then graduated with a B.S. in Civil Engineering in 1995, 20 years to the day later with the addition of a wife and a kid.

I will just tell you the facts, it was very difficult not only for me but for the family because of the quiet/private time needed for study every single night and many weekends. I started off part time and realized after a year I would never finish that way so switched my life to full time student, just my experience but if at all possible that is the best way to do it for sure. It is a huge personal commitment for you and your entire family, you must have their fullest support, otherwise you just can't hardly do it. :-)

The good side: it is very rewarding to say you did it when you finish and more education always opens new doors.:-)
Skywalker 10:23 AM 09-27-2009
I was 32 when graduated with my BA, at the time I had three young children! I wouldn't be where I am now without the education!

At your age you will take things more seriously and the information will come easier to you! It will be a sacrifice now, but you will reap the rewards later in life!

pgagnon 10:29 AM 09-27-2009
Originally Posted by coastietech:
Thank you all for the advice...

I did the math and if we cut back on a few things I can quit my job and go to school full time. Between the BAH I will get from the GI Bill and my girlfriends job we should be able to get by. That will make balancing everything easier. And I will actually have more time to spend with the kids because I can pull them out of daycare when I'm not in class during the week.

The more and more I think about this the more I can't find a reason not to go. I'm gonna go set with a counselor at the school next week and see if I can't get everything in order... :-)
well i do not think you will ever regret this!!
BigFrank 10:57 AM 09-27-2009
I'm 25 and recently changed careers and I am back in school. My GF is going to school now to finish her Bachelors. We have two rug rats, 3 years and 9 months. It's hard but it can be done.
s15driftking 11:21 AM 09-27-2009
The most valuable thing that I got from college (besides my now wife) was experience in how to be social as well as handle conflict and adversity. So it really depends on why you want to go..

I will eventually go back and get my MBA, but purely on the basis that I will need it down the road to be eligible for many high level MGMT jobs. NOT because I truly want it.