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General Discussion>You Can Go Home Again(Alma Mater) & Take Your Kid
E.J. 11:06 AM 05-27-2012
So this past weekend we took my daughter to her first soccer tournament that we had to travel to. It so happened that it was also held in the town that I spent my college years. That always makes for some fun....

We packed up Michelle's car and hit the road. The Little One was so excited, she had been sitting in there for about 15 minutes while we finished getting everything dialed in, had to have her come out to take a pic.

After having some lunch at one of my favorite old haunts(Mandarin Garden) we proceeded to head up to campus. As with this visit, the Little One is not allowed at this house unsupervised....

We checked in the hotel and Michelle and the Little One took a nap, I'm not a napper, so it was a perfect time for me to head to the old watering hole for a Big Dog on the Deck @ The White Owl. Ummmmm good...and good memories.

When I got them up, we decided to go to another favorite, the Factory, for some pizza and a few beers. I was in heaven, strange how trips like this can bring back such great memories. I spent a lot of good times with good friends at these places, we don't get back there near enough.

On to the tournament..... The forecast was for a crappy day and for half the day, they were RIGHT ON. We set up a base camp and started competition.
E.J. 11:07 AM 05-27-2012
It didn't take long for the Little One to get on the scoreboard and she/they did it often. There was much celebrating and fun for kids and parents alike...



E.J. 11:07 AM 05-27-2012
Not unlike the fun and celebrating, there was a lot of waiting....the kids seemed to figure out how to have fun, but it was a bit monotonous for the parents.

The rains came....and came, and CAME! It was fairly miserable there for the last bit, but the kids pushed through and won their bracket, coming home undefeated and only giving up 2 goals. The two other teams we took up from this same team, also won their brackets and were undefeated. So it was quite the tournament for these kids.



Best thing, I'm going back there next weekend due to Michelle having a Bike Ride....and then again a few weeks later for the MS150 bike ride(both Michelle and I are riding). Maybe the place will be sick of me by then....:-)
Ogre 11:09 AM 05-27-2012
Looks like a great time brother. You may have a future soccer star in the making!!!!
CigarNut 11:28 AM 05-27-2012
Very cool!
shilala 12:12 PM 05-27-2012
That's good lookin' girls you got there, E.J. :-)
You're truly blessed.
E.J. 08:15 PM 05-27-2012
Thanks, all!

Yes, Scott...I am a lucky & fortunate man.