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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>My new humi
itzfrank 11:13 AM 04-21-2010
Ok. So I've gotten my first humi. It wasn't expensive, it's small in size and has a good seal. It fits my needs for now.

I've started breaking it in using the methods suggested here.

At first I slightly wet the wood but I've resorted to leaving a small bowl full of distilled water inside it. There's a digital hydro inside of it along with my beads. The only other thing inside the humi is my cutter and what not. There's no cigars in it yet. At the moment, the humi is holding at 68% humidity. At what point do I know it's ok to start stocking it? It's only been this seasoning since sunday.
Mugen910 11:17 AM 04-21-2010

Humidor Minister 11:17 AM 04-21-2010
I would just leave it closed at least until next weekend. Let it stabilize a little longer. Did you calibrate your hydrometer? I would do a salt test on it so when you do put it into use, you know exactly whare you are at. Good luck with your new humi. We need pics.:-)
itzfrank 11:20 AM 04-21-2010
Originally Posted by Mugen910:

Thank you for the link.. which I read. What I meant to ask is there a specific mark I'm aiming for to stabilize at for XX amount of time or...

I know that I should be between 68-72% but shouldn't it be higher with the bowl of water inside of it or no?
wolfandwhisky 12:14 PM 04-21-2010
Originally Posted by Humidor Minister:
I would just leave it closed at least until next weekend. Let it stabilize a little longer. Did you calibrate your hydrometer? I would do a salt test on it so when you do put it into use, you know exactly whare you are at. Good luck with your new humi. We need pics.:-)
KenyanSandBoa 03:36 PM 04-21-2010
Originally Posted by itzfrank:
Thank you for the link.. which I read. What I meant to ask is there a specific mark I'm aiming for to stabilize at for XX amount of time or...

I know that I should be between 68-72% but shouldn't it be higher with the bowl of water inside of it or no?
When I seasoned mine, I started adding cigars after about a week. I just had to add water more frequently because filling it quickly really takes a toll on the RH.

Congrats on the purchase!!
itzfrank 10:51 PM 04-21-2010
I just checked and I'm at 73% humi with the bowl in there. I'll give it a few more days.
itzfrank 09:44 AM 04-22-2010
75% this morning. I think it's time to start considering my first stock for the small box. Probably going to start ordering in 3's and 5's
Mugen910 09:50 AM 04-22-2010
You don't really want to store your stuff in 75%...they will be too wet and you'll get a lot of tunneling on your cigars or they will just not stay lit.
itzfrank 09:58 AM 04-22-2010
Well, this is with the bowl of water inside. Should I pull the bowl out now? Is it ready?

Oh and I'll get the pictures up tonight!
Emjaysmash 10:03 AM 04-22-2010
Originally Posted by itzfrank:
Well, this is with the bowl of water inside. Should I pull the bowl out now? Is it ready?

Oh and I'll get the pictures up tonight!
How long have you been seasoning it?

I would really just leave it alone for about a week, then remove the water dish and let it sit for another day or two to equalize the humidity. THEN I would start filling it with cigars if it is at a good RH%.

In the meantime, why don't you look around the forum?
itzfrank 10:21 AM 04-22-2010
It hasn't been seasoning too long. Today is day 5. I just haven't been able to find good reading on indicators that she's ready. Everything just states add the bowl and leave alone. Which is fine by me but I was hoping for a little bit more info in regards to the process. I've been floating around here for the majority of the month and I love the reading that's here. I'll just keep her closed until Sunday. Thanks for the help.
Mugen910 10:24 AM 04-22-2010
tomc3084 10:49 AM 04-22-2010
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
itzfrank 09:31 PM 04-25-2010
Pics are up! I left her alone for a week and she stabilized. I threw my stogies in her and she's been sitting at 70-71 for the last 24 hours.
