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Good Eats>Smokers: Coal Comparisons
RHNewfie 09:12 AM 06-11-2013
Hey folks, seeing as how I just got a COS and am in full on research mode I found this site that compares various coals that I thought you might find interesting. Check it out if you get a chance.
MrClean 09:28 AM 06-11-2013
That's an interesting site, thanks for the link Jeff!
pektel 10:09 AM 06-11-2013
I just spent quite a bit of time reading some things on that link. Thanks! Now to go check all the stores around me to see which royal oak they carry.
mk05 07:21 AM 11-15-2013
I am currently using the 35lb bag of Fogo from Amazon. Burns around 220-250 unattended. Can go higher. Pieces are rather on the larger size, mostly about palm size. It's a little bit of a pain to light, but very high quality.