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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>ST Dupont Maxijet problem...need some owners help
BamBam 04:10 PM 07-20-2009
I recently bought an S.T. Dupont Maxijet lighter. I used it for the first time today at my B&M.

The lighter actually came with some fuel in it as I was able to light it right out of the box. Before I went to the shop today I used some of my vector butane and filled the lighter some more, so I was sure it was full.

At the shop I used it to light a cigar and it worked great. The next cigar I used it on is when I noticed the problem. After the cigar was lit and the lighter was shut down I heard a "hissing" coming from the lighter. I also could smell some butane coming from the lighter. It was leaking butane. It was not a quiet "hissing" and was easily discernable from a foot away or so.

I though this was obviously a problem and called the retailer I bought it from. They told me that I possibly overfilled it. That being said they were more than happy to send me a new one once I sent the old one back.

At the shop I continued to use it and it continued to do the same thing, it would light, but after it was shut off it would still leak out butane.

After using it for a little while longer the problem just sort of went away. It lit probably 4-5 more cigars and didn't leak after those ones.

So I guess my question is this...

Is it possible I overfilled it with butane?

Has anyone else experienced this with this lighter?

I don't wanna send it back if it is not
BamBam 04:34 PM 07-20-2009
Just a little more info for you guys that have owned or know about these. I have been working with it a little bit and here is what I noticed.

When the lighter is full, after each light if I hold my ear up to the lighter and I can hear a faint gurgling noise (possibly gas escaping). After a little while of lighting the lighter and letting the fuel go down to about the 3/4 point it stops leaking any butane and also stops making the faint gurgling noise.

Can maybe someone who has one of these lighters fill it up all the way and see if you can hear any noise.

Like I said before I just hate to have to send it back and wait a week or two (they're backordered) for a new one, when this may be the norm and the next will do the same.

Thanks all
skullnrose 04:40 PM 07-20-2009
Try and purge it let all the fuel and air out and refill it.Although I don't have that exact lighter this solved the problem of a lighter I had that I thought had a leak like you explained.
skullnrose 04:45 PM 07-20-2009
Correction my lighter was an xtend which I is the same lighter just renamed.
BamBam 05:13 PM 07-20-2009
Originally Posted by skullnrose:
Correction my lighter was an xtend which I is the same lighter just renamed.
I did that and it didn't hiss as much. But that is when I heard the faint gurgling after the flame is shut off.

Does yours do that at all when it is filled all the way?
skullnrose 06:35 PM 07-20-2009
I'll purge and fill it tonight and let you know. If it bugs you return it though the peace of mind alone is worth it.
BamBam 08:12 PM 07-20-2009
Originally Posted by skullnrose:
I'll purge and fill it tonight and let you know. If it bugs you return it though the peace of mind alone is worth it.
Thanks Scott. I'm curious to see what yours does. For the money these things cost it's hard for me to believe this is normal.
cherrybomb 08:24 PM 07-20-2009
bam. bam. This is normal. My dupont Xtend does the same thing when I overfill it. Perfectly normal. My only expanation is that the lighter is so full, that when you are finished lighting, the pressure of the gas has to go somewhere, hence the hissing.
skullnrose 08:48 PM 07-20-2009
Like cherrybomb said mine does make a slight noise after it's been filled to the max. Never noticed it till now.
cherrybomb 08:51 PM 07-20-2009
my roomate is way mlore mechanically inclined than I, do i'll ask him his trick to filling his butane lighter
BamBam 07:39 AM 07-21-2009
Anyone else???