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Wine, Beer, and Spirits>Looking For Dalmor Cigar Malt
blugill 09:58 PM 11-26-2009
A friend who loves this stuff and is a member on this board is looking for a bottle of DCM.

It appears as if we can no longer find it in Oklahoma where we live.

Can a brother hook a brother up with a source to purchase a bottle or two?
Pilon 11:28 PM 11-26-2009
I think it's discontinued. You may be able to pick up a bottle on some European websites. As an alternative, I would recommend Auchentoshan.
Resipsa 05:15 AM 11-27-2009
Looks like they just changed the name to Gran Reserva

and seemingly confirmed here:
blugill 08:18 AM 11-27-2009
Thank you for the answers!
I'm pointing him to the sites now with the information!
Awesome guys!
JohnRogers 09:20 AM 11-27-2009
I love you man.:-):-)