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All Cigar Discussion>How do you find new cigars to smoke?
FriskyDingo 12:48 PM 10-20-2008
The only way to find new cigars is to read Cigar Aficionado. :-) j/k

The majority is through the good ol' internet. My IE Favorites is packed full of review and cigar news websites. My other two most common ways are word of mouth or through this one local b&m owner that I can actually trust.
Joan 01:20 PM 10-20-2008
Besides the metric b*ttloads of new cigar info available from all the chatter
going on here, I listen to DWCR when I can for a fresh perspective.

I *love* the show you and Dale put out. :-)
Skywalker 01:54 PM 10-20-2008
Originally Posted by Costa:
Fellow BOTL's here...its worked out fantastic.
Yeah. You get the poop bombed out of ya!!! That's always a good way!!!:-)
Studebaker 02:57 PM 10-20-2008
Recommendations from B&Ms, reviews in the forums, samplers, and...oh yeah....that nifty podcast I obsess over!!:-) Love me some DWCR!
:eevis 04:25 PM 10-20-2008
I am still working off the samplers, Newbie trades, contests, etc... So I still have quite an assortment. I have only been smoking about a year, so i am still experimenting. I will also go to the local cigar shops and just grab what singles catch my eye. I have a long way to go, but I look forward to the challenge :-):-)
TonySmith 05:45 PM 10-20-2008
Originally Posted by boonedoggle:
recently, I've been trying to sample everything Don Pepin has come out with. He seems to be cranking them out faster than I can get em, so that keeps me occupied with finding new smokes!
When I find one I like, I try what ever else they make. Hard to go wrong with a Pepin
jaycarla 05:50 PM 10-20-2008
Originally Posted by bobarian:
Trading, PIFing, Cigarbid, best of all herfing. Sticks fly back and forth at herfs faster than the speed of light. :-) You can always ask as well. Post up your likes and dislikes and ask for recommendations. :-)
acarr 05:53 PM 10-20-2008
Read reviews but none from CA:-)
SonsofClubDeck 05:58 PM 10-20-2008
I use reviews here and from CA and trust the palettes of others.
macpappy 06:04 PM 10-20-2008
Finding out about not only new cigars but which cigars have been available for a long time is not hard if you just visit your friendly Club Asylum, read every cigar magazine you can find and visit you local B&M.

For me the problem is often being able to LOCATE the cigars I want to try. I only have two B&M within 30 miles of where I live and they carry what they carry. That leaves me surfing the websites of the reputable cigar dealers in hopes of finding the ones I want to try.
High 5 06:21 PM 10-20-2008
I listen to most cigar related podcasts, read huge amounts of reviews and then happily ignore them.

One of the fun parts of smoking my cigars is building up my own small database of what cigars I like in combination of what is available for me.
Quite a lot of brands are not readily available out here because most b&m's tend to stock up on cigars from that island a bit to the southeast of you guys.
For those other brands I have to rely on internet retailers that ship overseas.
It somewhat limits my choice of cigars but then again I don't get swamped by 15.877 brands with 23.566.194 different choices of size.

Sometimes I get a cigar I don't like -don't we all- but hey that is what neighbours, colleagues and family are for, right?
smokeyandthebandit05 06:39 PM 10-20-2008
I'll usually hear about them on here and dream about them cause my B&M doesnt carry much of whats hot. I also like to just walk around the B&M talk to the owner and just grab something that I might like....hasnt failed me yet
brigey57 06:53 PM 10-20-2008
I usually look for someone I know at a local B&M and start talking to them about what they have smoked in the recent past and liked. Then I compare the smoke with the types of cigar I love. Based on the conversation and the cigar look and smell, I usually find me a winner. It's also a great way to meet new friends and try a new cigar. :-) :-)
sikk50 06:54 PM 10-20-2008
The b&m owner or you guys, basicly
DKPRLP 07:15 PM 10-20-2008
I listen to Bob & Dale they know!
jjirons69 07:20 PM 10-20-2008
Originally Posted by :eevis:
I am still working off the samplers, Newbie trades, contests, etc... So I still have quite an assortment. I have only been smoking about a year, so i am still experimenting. I will also go to the local cigar shops and just grab what singles catch my eye. I have a long way to go, but I look forward to the challenge :-):-)

Also, the blind taste test is quite an interesting way to try different smokes. You smoke it first, then try to figure out what you had before the final reveal. Pretty challenging
Waynegro1 08:42 PM 10-20-2008
Cigar Magazine, Podcasts, Retail shop magazines, my B&M, trades/passes and of coarse from my fellow Asylum Cell Mates. Sometimes I just see something that I've never tried or heard of and give it the old college try.
gnukfu 04:13 AM 10-21-2008
When I first started smoking I participated in newbie trades. I was able to try all sorts of new cigars that I never would have tried......unfortunately that included my first cubans and it has been downhill ever since! :-)
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