These Davidoff Millennium blend cigars are high praised and high prices. Made from a Dominican filler that has been aged for four years and an especially for Davidoff grown sun grown wrapper from Ecuador this cigar is the fullest bodied cigar in the Davidoff portfolio. I have boycotted Davidoff for years due to a crap customer service but since the Dutch importer stepped up I lifted my personal ban and bought a Davidoff Millennium blend lancero for € 16,00, which is expensive for a 7½x40 lancero.
The cigar looks great with the light colored wrapper that has a few veins and a nice pigtail. The bands are stylish and the cigar has a hay smell. The construction feels good, the predraw is great and tastes fresh.
I taste white pepper with coffee, leather and an earthy flavor. The pepper disappears almost completely after a few puffs. After a quarter of an inch I taste wood with some subtle herbs and a tiny bit of pepper in the aftertaste. After an inch and a half I taste a mellow wood with some cacao on the background. After a third I taste some musty wood with herbs.
Halfway the mustiness disappears, I taste a bit more herbs and the cigar is spicy on the tongue. There is some green pepper on the background. After two thirds I taste herbs with some wood and a peppery aftertaste. Slowly the flavors are getting peppery with red pepper on the lips.
This cigar lasted me for an hour and forty-five minutes. The draw is great and I got a lot of smoke. The light colored ash turns darker along the way and isn't very firm. The burn is beautiful. This cigar is medium to full flavored and medium bodied.
Would I buy this cigar again? Nah, I liked the cigar but it is too expensive
Appearance: 8 / 10
Construction: 8 / 10
Draw: 8 / 10
Burn: 8 / 10
Smoke & ash: 8 / 10
Aroma first part: 8 / 10
Aroma second part: 7 / 10
Aroma third part: 7 / 10
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
Nice review :-)
Davidoff Millenium are some of the best non-cuban cigars I have had, but their pricetag makes them difficult to smoke regularly. :-)
:-) Agreed, Larry. And it's a shame, cause it is the perfect viola (as far as I'm concerned!)
Nice review, Fergie. Glad you got to smoke that beauty!
Wait have we found someone other than the old geezer himself that likes davidoff though i agree with the price comment they are worse than cohiba for what you get.
Well the cuban ones are at least still havnt found a good reason to try the NC ones.