JaKaacH 02:03 PM 08-10-2010
BC-Axeman 02:06 PM 08-10-2010
SFW, I saw this a long time ago. Now is there a male counter-artist?
the MacDonald 02:08 PM 08-10-2010
In mother Russia, boobs paint you!
pektel 02:36 PM 08-10-2010
ewwww... roll those up, and put em back where they belong.
Originally Posted by pektel:
ewwww... roll those up, and put em back where they belong.
Brutus2600 04:08 PM 08-10-2010
I wouldn't exactly call it SFW...although not nude, still not exactly kosher...also it's kind of gross
BTcigars 04:13 PM 08-10-2010
There is a woman on youtube named foxxxy something and she uses her breasts to paint and they are nowhere as good as this womans. Albeit foxxxy does somke cigars so she does earn a few cool points