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Troops Room>Soldiers Christmas Poem
av8tor152d 10:35 AM 12-24-2008
This has been around for a while just found a video of it thought I would share.

Has always touched me when I read or hear this.

Also a good chance to thank everyone here at CA for all that is done for the troops. I am sure some where there is a soldier who is a bit happier this holiday season because of the efforts of the great group of supporters here.

Happy holidays to all.

Soldiers Christmas Poem
ahc4353 10:42 AM 12-24-2008
Amen and thank you.

md4958 10:48 AM 12-24-2008
Thanks Jason
CBI_2 11:27 AM 12-24-2008
Merry Christmas to you and your family Jason with thanks for all you, your family and your fellow serviceman and their families do. :-)

Merry Christmas to all the nuts in the asylum also.
hotreds 12:26 PM 12-24-2008
