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General Discussion>First speeding ticket.
macpappy 02:42 PM 06-21-2011
Originally Posted by neoflex:
You can definitely fight and beat that one in court. 5 over could be a matter of calibration of the speedo. Hell I know my bike reads 8mph over what I am actually doing. I am surprised the LEO would waste his time and your wifes time writing a ticket for 5mph over. Sounds like he may have been having a bad day.:-)
Sounds like a speed trap. Most places I've been don't even pull you over unless you are doing close to 10 over.
neoflex 02:45 PM 06-21-2011
When we were still living on Long Island the norm was if your driving on the L.I.E more often than not you won't get stopped unless you were doing at least 25 over. The majority is doing a minimum of 15 over when passing a patrol car.
I once got out of a speeding ticket because I told the cop I was about to crap my pants and was rushing home. Not sure if he believed me but he got a chuckle and let me go nonetheless.
macpappy 02:47 PM 06-21-2011
I got a ticket last July for doing exactly 10 mph over the speed limit on a deserted stretch of well maintained two lane state highway. It was a bright, sunny dry day and I had my cruise control set at 60 because that's what the speed limit was all along that highway... except I had missed the sign knocking it back to 50 about 1/4 mile before I got stopped. Long story short - I called, got the price, paid the amount I was told to pay. Received a letter back from the local DA saying that since I paid so quickly the ticket would not be reported to my insurance company. Nice way to run a speed trap.
floydpink 05:09 PM 06-21-2011
Just last week, I was riding my Harley on a long straight road and let my speed get 25 mph above the limit and was pulled over.

Not an excuse, but I had a lot on my mind and was out for a ride to clear my head.

As always, I was respectful and honest and handed my license as requested by the officer.

Luckily, my record is perfectly clean as he returned and mentioned I don't seem to be a bad guy and should slow it down, which I will.

I also showed my PBA card as my brother is a police officer, which may have also helped, but not certainly.
shark 05:29 PM 06-21-2011
Originally Posted by neoflex:
Not sure if GA is like NC but here if you get a ticket the mailbox is stuffed with letters from Lawyers shortly after. Also here in NC if you do hire a lawyer 99% of the time they knock it down to a faulty equipment ticket. My wife received her first ticket shortly after moving here. 15 over the posted speed limit which would have definitely hit our insurance so the $300 for the lawyer for sure is saving us some money.
Back in 2000 I was tagged for 75 in a 55 in Union County. Reckless driving, and mandatory court appearance. I had a lawyer appear in my behalf and had it knocked down like you said: Defective equipment.
area51 06:08 PM 06-21-2011
Damn, thats a lucky break.
CoreyD 09:39 AM 06-22-2011
not sure if it was mentioned but I have walked into court guilty as heck and apologized to the court for speeding and admitted my wrong and pointed out this was my first ticket and the judge not only downed the citation price but the points off the ticket.
BlindedByScience 10:19 AM 06-22-2011
...buddy of mine when he was about 20 years younger had a Pontiac GTO with a heavily worked over engine....big block, 400+CI, making a little over 500 HP. He worked at a place making motor homes, which sat a few miles down a straight road outside a little town in OR. At lunch, they used to head into the little town, as there was a Dairy Queen there with a drive up that had great burgers.

One sunny day, he did the usual, got his burgers, and headed out. He looked right.....looked left....and dropped the hammer coming out of DQ. Now, this car would do 135+ very quickly....which I'm sure he did. Got out of town, headed down the long straight road to his work, and really let the thing stretch it's legs.

As usual, he parked at the far edge of the parking lot, away from other cars. About halfway across the parking lot headed back to work, here comes a state trooper down the road with his lights on. He pulls up to my buddies car and stops; my buddy heads back across the parking lot, not sure what's up. " that your car?.." the trooper asks. "Yes, it is", my buddy replies.

"....didn't look behind you in the Dairy Queen drive up, did you?..." asks the trooper......:-)
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