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Discussion>Quantity or Quality?
Nick 01:23 PM 11-24-2011
For some reason I have no problem paying hundreds or thousands of dollars in a split second on a rifle or pistol that I want but I can't seem to bust out more than 150 bucks on a pipe. The most expensive pipes I have are two radices that smoke incredibly well and I have wanted a Tinsky, Rad Davis, Larrysson, etc. for years. My problem is My stanwells, savinellis, and bjarnes smoke very well also. My best smoking pipe cost me 50 bucks, I have gotten some duds however that never smoke well. So I'm curious as to how many of you are like me and how many of you have no problem smashing your piggy bank to get that 300-500 dollar pipe. I am almost positive that I will be 100% stoked if I bought a Rad Davis but for some reason just can't pull the trigger (pun intended). Let me know what you guys think, am I just being a P***y and a tight wad?
Taki 02:06 PM 11-24-2011
If you want it, buy it plain and simple. Took me a while to spend gobs of money on smokes or materials to smoke but I figured what the heck. Go for it Brother!!!
Benwoo 02:26 PM 11-24-2011
I have this issue as well, but not with guns ;-)
I would say if you're finding great smkers cheaper and dont really need another pipe maybe pick up more ammo? hehehe I mean we all love collecting, but if you don't want to or can't budget for it, as long as you have a few good smokers I wouldn't stress. I mean a pipe's job is to smoke well first and look purdy second, when you get both though, woo baby =D Now it's hard for me to type this as I can be rather impulsive, but I'm trying to be better. Could always look at 2nd hand ones as well. Usually treated well on the mid-upper end pipes and can be picked up at a bit of a discount.

Proviso: This statment was made after a long night of partyin and no coffee. These ramblings may or may not make centz.

ApexAZ 07:17 PM 11-24-2011
If you think you will get much enjoyment from it, buy it :-)
Zanaspus 08:19 AM 11-25-2011
Originally Posted by Nick:
For some reason I have no problem paying hundreds or thousands of dollars in a split second on a rifle or pistol that I want but I can't seem to bust out more than 150 bucks on a pipe. The most expensive pipes I have are two radices that smoke incredibly well and I have wanted a Tinsky, Rad Davis, Larrysson, etc. for years. My problem is My stanwells, savinellis, and bjarnes smoke very well also. My best smoking pipe cost me 50 bucks, I have gotten some duds however that never smoke well. So I'm curious as to how many of you are like me and how many of you have no problem smashing your piggy bank to get that 300-500 dollar pipe. I am almost positive that I will be 100% stoked if I bought a Rad Davis but for some reason just can't pull the trigger (pun intended). Let me know what you guys think, am I just being a P***y and a tight wad?
I'm right there with you. I'm reminded of a wonderful quote by the dearly departed Bob Runowski (Morleysson) about the breaking of pipes. "A pipe is after all a tool. Our tools break. You didn't go spend $750 on a tool did you?"
VirtualSmitty 10:01 AM 11-25-2011
I have a few high end pipes that I don't regret buying. They smoke great and I appreciate the artistic touch in the carving.

That being said, the pipe I smoke the most is an old Charaton pot that cost me 30 bucks :-)
MajorCaptSilly 10:34 AM 11-25-2011
I used to be all about the quality. I spent $300-$500 on a pipe fairly regularly. I am easing back into occasional pipe smoking and am spending closer to $50-$75 per pipe. I may get a new Tinsky or Rad Davis pipe one day but am not smoking enough to warrant one now. The higher end pipes are geared towards collectors and the higher price does not mean a better smoke, at least not a $400 better smoke.

Emjaysmash 10:35 AM 11-25-2011
Believe it or not, I'm quite satisfied with the few corn cobs I have. They smoke better than most of my briars. That being said, the most expensive pipe in my collection is $80. One day I will splurge and buy a beautiful and well made pipe. I say go for it! You only live once!
Nick 07:05 PM 11-25-2011
Hey emjay, how bout tickets to a packers game! Being a packers fan living in ca is torture.
Mister Moo 05:42 AM 11-28-2011
Just got a MM General. $8.95. As good a smoker as any I own. Quality is hard to define.
Subvet642 06:33 AM 11-28-2011
I totally understand the hesitation to spend that much money on something made of wood, that is intended to be used with flame. That being said, life is too short to deny yourself something that will bring you a little pleasure.
jkstewart1 12:32 PM 11-29-2011
I too can be seduced by the opportunity to be a pipe's 'first', but often it's the well used ones that can be had at lower prices that seem to do the job the best. There's a reason why they were well used!
Slow Triathlete 10:28 AM 11-30-2011
A gun may save your life one day - spend more money on quality
Mister Moo 04:37 PM 11-30-2011
A gun in every room could be the difference. Spend more on quantity.
Nick 04:47 PM 11-30-2011
Nice! I go both ways on guns.
glassjapan 05:19 PM 12-03-2011
$495 will get you an excellent box of Esplendidos. But in time, it'll just be an empty box and some good memories. Or you could get a custom made pipe from Rad Davis that'll outlive you. All depends on how you look at it. Me, I'll take both please.
Nick 06:14 PM 12-03-2011
True......everyone always makes great points. I like kind of being in the middle. Not sure I agree with the cigar part though. Never was to interested in the sticks.
RevSmoke 08:46 PM 12-03-2011
I have a couple Castellos (personally my favorite smoking brand), Radice, Ascorti, vonErck, Don Carlos, Stanwell, no name, a few cobs, and a Savinelli. I smoke them all, but I will say that the Castellos and the vonErck smoke better than the others.

Peace of the Lord be with you.