For about twenty years, the Schuster family has been making cigars in Honduras at an undisclosed factory under the Maria Mancini brand. Schuster Cigars is a well-known name in Europe, not only of their dry-cured shortfiller cigars, which they produce in Bunde, Germany but also for the premium cigars they have made under the Casa de Torres and Maria Mancini names in Nicaragua and Honduras.
Not only do the Schusters make cigars, but they also trade tobacco and distribute brands like Indian Motorcycle and RoMa Craft in Germany. For RoMa Craft they handle all international orders. Skip Martin was so impressed by the tobaccos stored at the Schuster facility that he used some of their tobacco in the Wunder|Lust that RoMa made especially for the international markets. We reviewed the Wunder|Lust Petit Belicoso a few weeks ago.
Name: Maria Mancini Limited Edition 2016
Country: Honduras
Factory: Undisclosed
Size: 5 x 56
Vitola: Robusto Particular
Wrapper: Honduras H2000
Binder: Brazilian
Filler: Honduras, Nicaragua
Price: € 8,50 (Germany)
Cutter: Xikar X2
Lighter: single flame
Smoke conditions: indoors with ventilator
Smoke time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Sponsored by Schuster Zigarren
The cigar has a dark, oily and smooth wrapper with a bright red foot ring that has the year 2016 printed in a bold golden font. The regular ring is a classic looking ring with a picture of the historical figure Maria Mancini. The ring mentions Honduras and Hecho a Mano. The construction of the cigar is great. The aroma, pepper, farm animals and a faint tar smell, is strong.
The cold draw is perfect with hints of dry tobacco, sultanas, and pepper. After lighting the cigars the flavors are coffee and leather with a hefty dose of pepper. It morphs onto wood with lime and sugar. After a centimeter, the flavors are leather, soil, and pepper. After a third, the flavor profile is leather with a little bit of nutmeg. The pepper gains strength with a little sweetness. The final third stars with nuts but towards the finale, it gains strength with charred wood, pepper, and some cream.
The smoke is medium in thickness and volume. The burn needed a few touch ups but the draw was great. The cigar is medium bodied, medium flavored.
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