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General Discussion>Hop Harvest
Blak Smyth 06:24 AM 08-08-2011
So I have been invited to attend and participate in a hop harvest for a local micro-brewery and am really looking forward to it. If all goes as planned I will be there Saturday morning and word is I get paid with a case of beer. I am looking forward to the experience more than the beer, however the beer will be appreciated. I will try to take some pictures and post them here the Monday after the event. I don't want to say to much right now because the event it not open to the public, however I will include more details after the event.

Anybody else ever harvest hops?

Internet pics:

Edit: I appologize, I realize now after posting this it was in the wrong section!!!!!
Sorry admins, can you help a brother out and move it out of here?
WittyUserName 07:54 AM 08-08-2011
Looking forward to the pictures. That looks like it would be a ton of fun.
IBQTEE1 08:33 AM 08-08-2011
Sounds very cool.
awsmith4 08:36 AM 08-08-2011
Sounds like a interesting opportunity! I look forward to the pics and experience as well
Skywalker 09:14 AM 08-08-2011
Mmmmm! Hops!!!:-)
kaisersozei 01:30 PM 08-09-2011
That would be awesome! The only hop harvest I've attended has been in my backyard, but I certainly don't have a need for huge farm equipment or even helpers, for that matter. :-)

A brewery in western Virginia held a similar event a few days ago:

It was during the week, so work interfered, but I would have loved to go. Looking forward to your pictures!
Blak Smyth 05:29 AM 08-15-2011
So I attended the last hop harvest for Weyerbacher brewery Saturday, they are going to be out sourcing all of their hops next year due to the growing cost and hard work to grow their own.
Here are a couple pics:


We arrived to see a stack of free cases of their Autumn Fest for all the workers. We were also given a freezer bag of hops to make home brew.
Blak Smyth 05:32 AM 08-15-2011

During the sorting process:

The smell was incredible!
This was a memorable experience!
awsmith4 08:20 AM 08-15-2011
Color me green with envy, thanks for sharing!
WittyUserName 08:42 AM 08-15-2011
Well add one more thing to do on my bucket list. Great pictures, I need to fine one of these in VA.
kaisersozei 10:56 AM 08-15-2011
That looks like an awesome time, thanks for the pictures!

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth:
We arrived to see a stack of free cases of their Autumn Fest for all the workers. We were also given a freezer bag of hops to make home brew.
Oh really?! :-) Maybe we can arrange some kind of trade? :-)

Originally Posted by WittyUserName:
Well add one more thing to do on my bucket list. Great pictures, I need to fine one of these in VA.
Adam, see the link in my ^^earlier post^^ about Blue Mountain Brewery.
Remo 10:57 AM 08-15-2011
Never harvested them but I have sure drank alot of em :-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 11:01 AM 08-15-2011
Wow, very cool:-)
maninblack 12:01 PM 08-15-2011
That's sweet!!! Lucky man!
WittyUserName 12:47 PM 08-15-2011
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
Adam, see the link in my ^^earlier post^^ about Blue Mountain Brewery.
Nice, I will have to look into this next year when I get home. Maybe set up a herf...