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General Discussion>Cigar saves the day
NickyTeen 07:38 PM 10-20-2008
Sunday was not a great day. My paintball store was broken into and robbed at around 3:50 am. At least 9 other busineses in the area were hit at the same time. ( my thoughts and prayers go out to each one of them). We managed to clean things up , get things boarded up and opened on time at 9:00AM. Throughout the day I just felt kind of nauseated. Got home and around 5:00pm was able to grab a Padilla Miami 8/11 and head to the patio. This cigar saved the day because I was able to relax and take time to reflect and put things into perspective. I have a wonderful wife of 27 years, 2 great boys, a great home and fantastic friends. So when times are tough out there take the time to remember whats Really important and that's your family and friends.And as long as you have that things will be ok. Thanks friends for letting me have a place to vent.
Starchild 07:45 PM 10-20-2008
Theives Suck! :-) Sorry you had to deal with that.

Like you said, it's times like those when relaxing with a cigar really helps put things into perspective. :-)

Hope there wasn't too much damage to the store.
smokeyandthebandit05 07:46 PM 10-20-2008
damn that sucks!!! Any leads on the thieves?
hotreds 07:48 PM 10-20-2008
Glad the smoke helped better the day! You are correct, family is what really matters, everything else can be replaced! That said, I hope they find the thieves and make them restitue!
kwoody 07:51 PM 10-20-2008
Sorry to hear about your business. I hope it works out for you.
Clampdown 07:57 PM 10-20-2008
Im sorry to hear about the loss, but its glad you were able to find something you enjoyed and take your mind off the potholes of life.
NickyTeen 08:07 PM 10-20-2008
Thanks for the concern guys.The store is going to be just fine. The thieves appear to be a professionl group that moves around from town to town and picks random stores and then moves on. Thankfully no one got hurt.Hopefully they can stop these guys before someone does.
theonlybear4CORT 08:10 PM 10-20-2008
I'm sorry Kris, if you need help with anything just let me know.
Scottw 08:12 PM 10-20-2008
sorry to hear about the loss and the robbery. Makes you feel kinda vulnerable. Great attitude though, you put it in perspective and enjoyed what is important and I respect you for that. Guys like you aways win and are very tough to keep down.
LkyLindy 09:46 PM 10-20-2008
Thats why we are here- to listen to our Bros when things go bad and good and to relax with a beautiful smoke

Good Luck
dunng 07:27 PM 10-21-2008
Man that sucks... Nice cigar though! :-)
bobarian 08:33 PM 10-21-2008
That really sucks, Kriss. Hope things are settling down over there. Hope to see you Saturday!:-)