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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Palio Issues
Hardcz 12:08 AM 01-02-2009
Strangest thing happened yesterday.

I'm sitting in my truck, just getting ready to drive off for the day, whip out the palio, open it up with my thumb and pointer finger...and one of the blades jumped out.... bastage was hard to find in the snow.....

It's been sticking when I close it.... I'm gonna be sending it in for a replacement, tho I'm not sure where to send it.....

Hoping someone could help me out, also wondering if anyone else had these issues. I think it all stems back from when I found that black hair under the blade when I bought it new.... "Issues at the factory" But at least it wasn't curly :-)
Darrell 12:12 AM 01-02-2009
Send it to where you bought it.
Bruzee 12:21 AM 01-02-2009
Take it to any authorized dealer, and they'll give you another one there on the spot.
Biglizard1 12:24 AM 01-02-2009
I've never had a hairy Palio.
TXRebel 12:26 AM 01-02-2009
Find a retailer near you and they should exchange it for a new one, or contact Palio.
goalie204 12:48 AM 01-02-2009
glad that it jumped out into the snow and not into you Dan !
Benwoo 08:40 AM 01-02-2009
I don't think it's supposed to double as a beard trimmer :-)
mrreindeer 09:02 AM 01-02-2009
Originally Posted by Bruzee:
Take it to any authorized dealer, and they'll give you another one there on the spot.
:-) Yep!