Last year, cigar makers Quesada decided to release a cigar under their family name, something they had never done before and decided to honor some family members who passed away by creating the "Quesada Tributo" cigars. The cigars are made from Dominican and Nicaraguan filler, a Honduran binder and a Ecuadorian hybrid wrapper. The cigars come in four sizes, the 4½x40 Alvarito, the 5x50 Julio, the 6x52 Alvaro and the 6½x60 Manolin, the one I smoked.
The dark and oily wrapper has a few veins. The cigar has a normal band and a foot band. I dig the logo, at first I just saw a drawing of a tobacco leaf, but then I noticed that it was also a Q from Quesada. The cigar has an acidic barnyard smell. The construction feels good and the predraw confirms the construction. I taste a dry and mild peppery tobacco flavor.
I taste pepper, soil and coffee. The coffee is mild bitter and I think I even taste some nuts. The bitterness is just a bit too strong for my liking. After a quarter of an inch I taste honey with a mild spicy earth flavor and coffee. The bitterness is gone. I taste some toast in the aftertaste. After an inch the cigar gets smoother, the honey disappears and I taste herbs with some toast and a little bit of sweetness.
After a thirds I taste some herbs with hazelnuts and chocolate. Unfortunately that hazelnut and chocolate flavor disappears quickly. Halfway I taste herbs with some spice and honey. After two thirds I taste pepper with the herbs, the flavors are getting creamy and I taste some nuts again. The honey slowly grows in strength with some herbs and nuts. The nuts are slowly becoming the main flavor. Near the end I taste a herbal spice, all other flavors have disappeared.
The smoke time of this cigar is a whopping two hours and thirty minutes. I got a lot of smoke. The draw was good, a bit too loose to be great. The smoke is white and thick. The light gray ash is firm. I had to correct the burn a few times. This cigar is full flavored and medium to full bodied.
Would I buy this cigar again? Yes, but in a smaller vitola.
Appearance: 8 / 10
Construction: 8 / 10
Draw: 7 / 10
Burn: 7 / 10
Smoke & ash: 8 / 10
Aroma first part: 8 / 10
Aroma second part: 7 / 10
Aroma third part: 8 / 10