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Posted By pnoon 04-15-2012
Credit where credit is due. (1)
CigarNut: 03-01-2012 07:02 PM
Taxi's (5)
Skywalker: 03-01-2012 12:51 PM
2 old Italians in conversation (1)
kelmac07: 02-29-2012 07:24 PM
The most extreme Rednecks (4)
kelmac07: 02-29-2012 06:07 PM
The Funeral (10)
sevans105: 02-29-2012 02:55 PM
How Many NASCAR Drivers Does It Take To Wreck A Safety Truck (2)
CigarSquid: 02-28-2012 02:14 PM
Questions that Haunt Me (9)
Tikihut27: 02-28-2012 03:07 AM
Too funny not to share (4)
mase: 02-27-2012 07:15 PM
The Cremated Husband (12)
LigaPrivadaT84: 02-27-2012 04:28 PM
updated laws (9)
LigaPrivadaT84: 02-27-2012 04:27 PM
Cincinnati Bengals (5)
jorgea: 02-27-2012 01:42 PM
I was talking to a stranger... (22) ( 1 2)
smitty81: 02-24-2012 10:09 AM
Into the bar... (0)
Steve: 02-21-2012 10:03 AM
Saturday's Joke (2)
Skywalker: 02-20-2012 02:09 AM
Valentines Day (1)
fencefixer: 02-15-2012 02:34 PM
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1889 (1)
T.G: 02-14-2012 02:04 PM
Andy Levy "apologizing" to Chris Brown (1)
sevans105: 02-13-2012 03:09 AM
Tablets (9)
emopunker2004: 02-13-2012 01:42 AM
The deaf bookkeeper (7)
Remo: 02-12-2012 11:17 PM
This one's for Larry... (9)
Taki: 02-10-2012 05:30 PM
The Vibrator (8)
Skywalker: 02-10-2012 03:57 PM
How I Met the Couch (11)
LigaPrivadaT84: 02-08-2012 08:31 PM
Concealed Carry (1)
cjhalbrooks: 02-08-2012 12:50 PM
Gold Fish Burial (7)
Dave128: 02-08-2012 11:08 AM
Never thought it would happen - Desperately need advice from you guys (17)
MurphysLaw: 02-06-2012 02:57 PM
Children Writing About the Ocean ... (11)
mase: 02-05-2012 11:08 PM
Country Preacher (7)
mase: 02-05-2012 11:06 PM
Just a tap will do ya (6)
cjhalbrooks: 02-04-2012 10:53 AM
Who Gets It???? (5)
LigaPrivadaT84: 02-03-2012 07:23 PM
Got ya (5)
Skywalker: 02-03-2012 03:37 PM
The zipper is stuck (14)
RevSmoke: 02-02-2012 06:34 PM
Snow Warning (10)
Taki: 02-02-2012 05:38 PM
What's the difference between Tim Tebow and Honey Nut Cheerios ? (20) ( 1 2)
Gargoyle: 02-02-2012 04:08 PM
Do Elephants Remember??? (8)
Skywalker: 02-02-2012 03:58 PM
Irish joke (5)
irratebass: 02-02-2012 02:23 PM
1957s Dating (8)
irratebass: 02-02-2012 02:12 PM
Why Cinderella's Late (10)
theonlybear4CORT: 01-31-2012 10:37 PM
Go Fly a Kite (12)
schollianmj: 01-20-2012 10:08 PM
Marketing (5)
longknocker: 01-16-2012 05:18 AM
Hitler on Tebow...this is HILARIOUS!!! (11)
sevans105: 01-16-2012 12:30 AM

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