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Posted By pnoon 04-15-2012
2008 Darwin Awards (14)
zmancbr: 01-06-2009 03:57 PM
Man dangling pantless, upside down on ski lift (21) ( 1 2)
Seanohue: 01-06-2009 03:45 PM
Laguna Beach CA Information Needed (10)
MithShrike: 01-06-2009 01:59 PM
I had a genuinely terrible weekend. (14)
tireiron: 01-06-2009 11:04 AM
I know why they call them Crackberrys! (27) ( 1 2)
IBQTEE1: 01-06-2009 10:20 AM
The joys of being a Non Commissioned Officer... (85) ( 1 2 3 4 5)
Darrell: 01-05-2009 11:11 PM
Heat in the Man Den! (17)
tchariya: 01-05-2009 11:06 PM
A PIF of a different variety (2)
dunng: 01-05-2009 05:37 PM
The Size of A BB, it Was (10)
DonWeb: 01-05-2009 03:09 PM
Vin (massphatness) Gets His Second Rep Ring! (36) ( 1 2)
rizzle: 01-05-2009 03:06 PM
What decade would you live in? (29) ( 1 2)
OpusXtasy: 01-05-2009 02:49 PM
1000 Yummy Pastries for Moe! (24) ( 1 2)
Don Fernando: 01-05-2009 02:20 PM
reason number 4 why commies are weird (13)
Blueface: 01-05-2009 07:12 AM
MSN Messenger (10)
MithShrike: 01-04-2009 11:05 PM
$32K in credit card debt at 28% interest..... (36) ( 1 2)
King James: 01-04-2009 03:51 PM
Poll: Favorite Winter Activity (40) ( 1 2 3)
King James: 01-04-2009 03:45 PM
Flushing your only key... down a gas station toile (23) ( 1 2)
MadAl: 01-04-2009 11:56 AM
I went to an air show (23) ( 1 2)
Ratters: 01-04-2009 10:08 AM
When Tax Revenue drops - they find a new tax (32) ( 1 2)
Smoking Dragon: 01-04-2009 07:52 AM
NYE: What will you light up tonight at midnight? (2)
dmoby: 01-03-2009 06:40 PM
happy birthday taltos!!! (26) ( 1 2)
MikeyC: 01-03-2009 09:35 AM
Upper respiratory infection! (4)
KASR: 01-03-2009 12:08 AM
CNN fans? Maybe not (16)
Starscream: 01-02-2009 11:12 PM
Not a happy new years. NSFDT [DT=dinner time] (22) ( 1 2)
M1903A1: 01-02-2009 11:11 PM
OLED HDTV's (11)
Genetic Defect: 01-02-2009 09:45 PM
Polar Bear Plunge - A Looney Tale (17)
newcigarz: 01-02-2009 05:01 PM
Anyone out in Las Vegas want to do a meet? (1)
livwire68: 01-02-2009 11:41 AM
Worth the read. - Military (3)
hotreds: 01-02-2009 10:56 AM
Aerial death wish..... video of wingsuit base jump (11)
mrreindeer: 01-02-2009 10:28 AM
Earbuds for iPod/iPhone/MP3 player choice? (36) ( 1 2)
Genetic Defect: 01-02-2009 12:50 AM
Warning!!! If your planning a trip anywhere... (15)
cigarmonkel: 01-01-2009 11:09 PM
hit and runs (15)
barbourjay: 01-01-2009 08:11 PM
What's your New Year's Resolution? (32) ( 1 2)
Smokin Gator: 01-01-2009 07:33 PM
Ways around firewall at work? (22) ( 1 2)
Genetic Defect: 01-01-2009 07:00 PM
Has anyone seen the bridge? (11)
Cigary: 01-01-2009 04:58 PM
Oh so modern... (2)
elderboy02: 01-01-2009 04:14 PM
happy new year (7)
SmoknTaz: 01-01-2009 03:54 PM
from sea to shining sea (2)
Genetic Defect: 01-01-2009 02:49 PM
Playing For Change: Song Around the World "Stand B (0)
nozero: 01-01-2009 01:30 PM
How to seal a cabinet Humi??? (24) ( 1 2)
ca21455: 01-01-2009 01:25 PM

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